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Nakshatra & Saturn Series Bundle Buy Bundle (58 videos) Nakshatra & Saturn Series Bundle


A $1,375 Value if videos were purchased separately.

Nakshatras Series - 30 Video Presentations + Introduction

Saturn Series - 27 Video Presentations + Introduction

This bundle includes two annual Vedic Astrology Conference series of one to one-and-a-half hours of video presentations.

These conferences are a blend of esteemed Jyotish Masters, students and alumni of Komilla's academy who are now Jyotish masters in their own right.

These speakers share a wide breadth of knowledge. Fresh outlooks on Nakshatras, Saturn and Vedic Astrology are gained, resulting in a valuable collection of videos.

59 VIDEO PRESENTATIONS -1 to 1-½ Hours

This purchase gives you unlimited streaming for these videos. You can view them on your smartphones, computers, and tablets. Alternatively, they can be streamed to your TV via airplay or mirroring from your smartphone, computer or tablet.

Total (including taxes)
USD $500.00
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